Home Video Surveillance & Security System Installation

As one of the earlier players in this field, Canadian Home Theaters integration expertise of Security, Surveillance and Lighting are unsurpassed. Never enter your home in a dark environment. Imagine someone intrudes your home, besides alarm going off your TVs turn on, all your lights turn on and even before police responds you get a push notification on your phone and all the cameras start flashing on all your displays in the house. It has already been studied with such a quick response either the intruder will walk away with minimum damage to your property or in most cases will not even intrude in the first place and look for some other property to start with. One of the most common aspect over looked in the home security is protection from natural disasters like flood, sump pump failures, Furnace failure, CO and fire detection. Canadian Home Theaters designing of security system accounts for all these scenarios. Not only client at the end of the day sleeps well but also gets a break on the price from the Home Insurance once the monitoring certificate for security is issued from Canadian Home Theaters.